
12134 Environmental Microbiology - BSc course
The goal of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, interpret, and analyse microbes and microbial processes in engineered environmental systems and anthropogenically disturbed natural environments.

12138 Environmental Microbiology II - Advanced course
This course will introduce the diversity of microbes, the microbial interactions, and the microbial processes that are relevant for many environmental biotechnological applications (e.g. water supply, wastewater biotechnology, contaminant biodegradation, bioenergy production, water quality management). Using case studies (the engineered N cycle, soil pesticide biodegradation, pathogen survival in wastewater effluents), the students will learn how to observe and work with microbes and develop an appreciation for core concepts in microbial ecology. Through laboratory exercises, and a combination of traditional and contemporary tools and techniques, students will learn how to evaluate the presence, abundance, identity, diversity, and activity of microbes in various environments and measure environmental process rates.

12108 Water Treatment: Biochemical Processes - Advanced course
The course aims to equip students with (1) a knowledge base on the major biochemical and bio-energetic reactions exploited in water treatment; (2) an appreciation of how these reactions are applied in contemporary water treatment; (3) an ability to construct, use, and interpret mathematical models of the main biochemical processes; (4) an ability to calculate steady-state solutions for the main constituents and their interactions in water technologies [C, N, P, S]; (5) a knowledge base of macro and micro transport processes relevant to biochemical processes used in water treatment. This course will prepare students interested in biochemical processes for the treatment/management of source and residual waters of various qualities for potable, industrial, and environmental end points.

12110 Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery - Advanced course
The course aims to equip students with (1) a knowledge base on the major biochemical, physical and chemical processes applicable to traditional and novel wastewater treatment and resource recovery (WWTRR); (2) an understanding of how these processes are organized in a full-scale WWTRR facility; (3) an ability to design and retrofit a WWTRR facility based on different performance indicators; (4) the competence to perform process design and analysis for the major WWTRR unit operations, via appropriate steady-state computations or the use of dynamic process simulation; (5) an ability to select appropriate mathematical models, apply them and interpret their results for full-scale WWTRR facility operation./management of source and residual waters of various qualities for potable, industrial, and environmental end points.

12913 Strategy and Steps in Writing and Publishing Scientific Research - PhD Course
Disseminating original research findings in the primary peer-reviewed research literature is one of the critical tasks assigned to PhD students. Getting a first paper published can seem a daunting undertaking to many, as they typically have had little to no experience in this very specific exercise. This course provides a structured training that will make the students knowledgeable and critical, of the elements essential to an effective manuscript, before guiding them through the process of drafting their own paper. The course relies on individual readings, group work, and plenum presentations and discussions. The emphasis is on active student participation, which is created in a round-table seminar setting.