Job opportunities

We are always eager to host new PhD and Post-doctoral Researchers.

Student projects

For master's theses and bachelor projects you can contact any of our senior members, our projects are also available in the DTU project bank or check out our research opportunities.

For students outside DTU, please contact Prof. Barth F. Smets, Dr. Arnaud Dechesne, Dr. Marlene Mark Jensen or Asst. Prof. Borja Valverde-Pérez.

Recently graduated Students

Every year, we host several BSc, MSc, student projects - Below you can find out what current students are pursuing. Contact them or their supervisors, if you want to find more!

Monika Skadborg (BSc Environmental Engineering 2018,; supervisor: Borja Valverde Pérez) is examining a methanotrophic bioreactor concept intended to upcycle nitrogen from wastewater into single cell protein. She will test the effects of different feeding strategies on the yield and quality of protein in the produced biomass.

Hanne Erland (MSc Environmental Engineering 2018; ; supervisor: Jane Fowler) is conducting a project entitled "Does energy input reflect the microbial community structure of full-scale groundwater-fed rapid sand filters?". She wants to obtain a better understanding of the contribution of different groundwater contaminants to the composition of microbial communities in RSFs. In addition, a method is being established to measure AOC (assimilable organic carbon) in water samples.

Dea Petersen (MSc Biotechnology, 2018;; supervisor: Jane Fowler). An assay was previously developed to quantify comammox Nitrospira abundance. The purpose of her project, entitled "Quantification of comammox clades via qPCR meltcurve analysis", is to further develop the assay to quantify different comammox clades. Comammox Nitrospira are interesting because they can oxidize ammonia to nitrate in one step. The assay will be applied to samples from drinking water treatment filters, treating source waters containing ammonia, to quantify Nitrospira spp. abundance.

Diego Sánchez (MSc Environmental Engineering 2018,; supervisor: Carlos Domingo-Félez) is conducting a project entitled "Control of nitrification over carbon oxidation in a membrane aerated biofilm reactor". In this project he aims to enhance the population of autotrophs over heterotrophs used for the removal of nitrogen from wastewater. By the removal of nitrogen with reduced aeration and decreased organic carbon requirements, the carbon can be further transformed into methane and thus save energy during the aeration process and ultimately recover the carbon as methane.

Jie Deng (MSc Nordic 5 Environmental Engineering 2018,; supervisors: Henrik R, Andersen & Elena Torresi DTU, DK and Britt-Marie Wilén, Chalmers University of Technology, SE). "Removal of micropollutants from municipal wastewater in post-treatment MBBRs". In this project, she will evaluate the potential link between PHA assimilation/degradation and micropollutant removal, to drive micropollutant removal from wastewater effluents. She will also attempt to optimize feeding strategies to support the process.